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Wedding Planning: 5 Details You Don't Want to Miss

Details.... you don't realize just how many there are when it comes to wedding planning until you're right in the thick of it. You've researched, budgeted, and planned for months but you can't quite kick your feet up yet! Here are 5 last-minute planning details that you don't want to miss before you take that walk down the aisle.

1. Make your music playlist-- whether you've hired a DJ or you've got a playlist on your phone, you're going to want at least a general idea of the type of music you want to dance to at your wedding. If you have certain songs for your first dance, dance with parents, etc. make sure your wedding coordinator + the DJ know what those songs are, what order to play them in and what time it will be at!

2. Hire a wedding coordinator-- hopefully this isn't something you're doing super last minute because you realized well before now that you're going to want one and NEED one! I can guarantee that there will be questions all day long and you should want everyone swarming you while you're prepping for the wedding and you definitely don't need the added stress. Do yourself a favor and hire someone who knows exactly what you want so that they can coordinate with your vendors and handle the execution.

3. Prepare tip envelopes and make final vendor payments. Most vendors will require payment before the day-of your wedding so make sure you're squared away financially so that after the wedding you can honey-moon without worrying! You'll want to thank your vendors for their exceptional services but you also don't want to be whipping out the checkbook on your first night as a married woman. Have the tips prepared in sealed envelopes and your coordinator can distribute them after the reception.

4. Final Dress Fitting--- don't forget to get one final check so that last minute alterations can be made. When you pick up your dress, you want absolute confidence that it's in ready-to-wear condition!

5. Day-Of Timeline -- your coordinator (aka me) will help you put together this timeline and it will be a huge life saver. As we put together the timeline, we will walk through every second of the day from vendor set-up to ceremony, transition to reception, grand exit and clean up so that nothing gets missed on your big day. This gives you and your coordinator to nail down the last minute details so that they know when the flowers are arriving and who is taking home all the gifts that you've received!

6. BONUS-- Write a note to your soon-to-be husband. Hopefully you've taken time together to enjoy this wedding planning process together but you don't want to lose sight of the fact that your wedding day is a celebration of your love. Tell him how much you love him and how excited you are to be his wife-- you'll be amazed at how far this goes in calming his nerves!

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